The M&K Foundation honors the memory of two Oconee County women, Melissa Norris and Karen Nasworthy, by supporting the academic and leadership development of young people in Oconee County. Since 1984, the Foundation has provided more than $150,000 in college and leadership scholarships to 145 students. If you'd like to learn more, the M&K Foundation website is:
Trumps Catering has been proud to be a part of the yearly M&K Ball fund raiser since 2000. Here are some photos from another successful event, this past February:
I have to share the beautiful photographs I received from Wingate Downs ... thank you Wingate! I'm always so proud of the beautiful work of our staff when we have one of our Trumps' Tastings. These are photos from our last Tasting in March, 2011. Enjoy!
Beautiful Wedding Cake Samples from Pastry Chef Susan Hodges!
Busy Setting up the Buffet
Flowers from Flowerland!
Floral Centerpiece from European Floral Design! Linens from Barron's Rental Center!